Organic, Biodynamic & Reasoned Viticulture

Sustainable Viticulture
With Roger Bohmrich MW
Sunday May 19 2013


There is growing worldwide awareness of the need for sustainable viticultural practices. In France, the most widely accepted strategy is termed la lutte raisonnée, a flexible approach implying reduced use of chemicals, yet without specific criteria. Vineyards employing organic cultivation or la culture biologique are increasing yet remain limited as a share of the total. Growers who claim “bio” status on their labels are subject to official standards and certification. Biodynamic winegrowing, or la biodynamie, combines organic methods with faith-based beliefs. This seminar examines each of these approaches, outlining their features and assessing their costs and benefits.

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Presenter: Roger Bohmrich MW

In 1993, Roger became one of the first Americans to pass the Master of Wine (“MW”) examination administered by the Institute of Masters of Wine in London. For ten years he dedicated himself to the MW cause, first as Education Coordinator of the North American educational program, then as Chairman of the No. American Advisory Board, leading the formation of the non-profit Institute of Masters of Wine (No. America), where he served three terms as its first President.

Roger has worked for two national importers, last as Senior Vice President-Marketing for Frederick Wildman & Sons, New York, where he directed a team in brand management, advertising, and public relations. He acted as buyer and liaison with wineries in a dozen countries, and also developed training and education for the firm’s staff and wholesale clients.

More recently, he set up the U.S. affiliate of Millesima, S.A., Europe’s leader in direct sales of fine wines to consumers via mail order and the internet. At present, he is an independent educator, speaker and consultant. Visit Roger's website:

His articles and writing have appeared in Wine Business Monthly, Santé Magazine for restaurant professionals, and The Business of Wine – An Encyclopedia. Roger also provides the “Wine Q&A” replies to questions posted on

Learn more about wines with the Wine Scholar Guild's study & certification program and sign up for our Wine Study Trips.

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